Friday, August 14, 2015

Miscellaneous Information

Experts on relationships will tell you that the key things between the two of you aren't the big things. It's not usually the fancy dates, the sex, or the quiet walks together that builds a couple, it's the miscellaneous stuff. Little things probably not even worth mentioning that add up into a composite painting of what you are together. He puts the seat down, she makes dinner. He ignores her swinging emotions, she ignores that he farts, this is their real story.

It's no different in relationships with horses. Bandon coming home with a bundle of ribbons from the show may be what you see, but the more important miscellaneous would be that today a cat ran across the arena with a bird that was still alive and flapping, in it's mouth (no joke!), and Bandon only spooked for four strides before stopping.

Czech and I shot a decent round at a canter today in the arena.

Miscellaneous : After one arrow was released Czech tucked his head to the ground and threw a few good bucks while I wasn't holding the reins, my head met his forelock and split my lip, but landed back in the saddle without dropping the bow. (I had video running though we were off screen, the audio was very... colorful).

Bandon nailed the trot poles today with low adrenaline on an easy fence.

Miscellaneous : Only after this happened a few times... "Let's just go ahead and hop the last trot pole, k?"

"Crap, maybe I should have listened to you..."

"Chipping it in, hang on!"

The point is, the extra stuff... the side notes we don't note, those are making the whole of the team we have with our horse.

PS Does anyone else have a horse who poops in the crossties then side steps away from it all blowy and offended?  Yeah right Czech, like I did that...

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